It is worth drawing attention to observe the standards of honesty and modesty upheld in the pinball and video game community. For each pinball and video game competitor wishes to participate in an enjoyable tournament. Any action or words spoken that may, in any way, give uneasiness, should be avoided. Therefore a competitor should observe the following behaviors:

  1. Having agreed to compete according to the strict rules, then those rules are to be exactly observed by all parties; and should not be insisted on for one side, while deviated from by the other: for this is not equitable.

  2. No illegal behaviour should ever be made by a competitor to extricate themselves out of difficulty, or to gain an advantage.

  3. A competitor should not be hurried to complete a game.

  4. A competitor should not to attempt to deceive their adversary, by pretending the game hardware/software has malfunctioned.
    Nor should the competitor pretend to have made mistake or the victim of ‘bad luck’. Nor should a competitor make remarks suggesting their adversary has lost the game before the game has come to its proper conclusion.

  5. When a competitor is victorious, they should not communicate or exhibit insulting expressions.