What do you get when you cross a pinball competitor, collector, operator, taxation lawyer, and part time magician and keen gaming (including gambling) theorist? You get a man with a tremendously rich history of games in Australia, and a man with endless entertaining stories; a man called Andrew Ferguson.
All of us here at Game the System are very happy to present to you our third player feature, and this one is the biggest yet with twelve slides! The amount of content produced was bursting at the seams and we feel we only scratched the surface of Andrew's past as well as continuing adventures. Indeed, there was much we had to leave out in order to keep this series immediate and impactful as is our goal of the player features. So who knows, we may revisit some of that additional content sometime soon...
For now, please enjoy the slides. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or two about Andrew that you can question him on next time you run into him at the next big pinball tournament! I'm sure he wouldn't mind talking to you about his lucky coin...