Brisbane Masters 2016 - Begins Today!

*** Updates will occur in the comments below

The last major pinball event on the Australian Calendar is happening right now, in sunny (one can only hope after the cold snap in NSW) Queensland Australia!

Photo by Matthew Venables

Photo by Matthew Venables

In what could be argued as a surprising turn out of events, this particular competition is even larger - in player base - than the Batcave Masters, previously held just a few short months earlier. This massive turn out for the Brisbane Masters means that it could also be the largest and most prestigious event of the year, and one that any competitive pinball player would be crazy to miss. will endeavor to provide live results as they happen across this huge three day event. And with three tournaments scheduled, it's going to be another 12+ hours a day marathon for players and tournament organisers alike.

For those keeping watch at home, here's the full player list which is awe inspiring for pinball competition, let alone Australian pinball competition! This is also sorted by seeded rank, so start your betting on who's going to knock out who and upsets that are surely going to happen.

So the question has to be asked - Who do you think is going to take out this major win?

1. Peter Watt
2. Richard Rhodes
3. Brett Goodwin
4. Paul Jones
5. Jason Lambert
6. Jack Hutchinson
7. Luke Marburg
8. Matthew Venables
9. Marc Bell
10. Andrew Ferguson
11. Chris Jennings
12. Rob Singh
13. Pat Nichols
14. Greg Gee
15. Jasen Mouritsen
16. Paul Reid
17. Stuart Thornton
18. Zack Foster
19. Corey Hamilton
20. Russell Dagger
21. Tim Chapman
22. Chris Watt
23. Gavin Drogemuller
24. Derek Broadfoot
25. John Cosson
26. Reon Seeney
27. Naiomi Goodwin
28. James Angliss
29. Grant Quinn
30. Matt Usher
31. Wal Dickie
32. Greg McMahon
33. Luke French
34. Esther Ahronheim
35. Hugh Dickson
36. Nick Keros
37. David Cacic
38. Chris Wade
39. Matthew Hetherington
40. Adam Clarke
41. Daniel Figgis
42. Michelle Clark
43. Hollie Mills
44. Geoff Wills
45. Warren Beetham
46. Rob Milla
47. Stuart Ryan
48. Athol Bennett
49. Regan Rist
50. Tony Woods
51. David Lomas
52. Andy Jacobi
53. Michi Henning
54. Anthony Fowler
55. Alex McClarty
56. Mathew White
57. Chris Eccles
58. Glen Charles
59. Travis Bishop
60. Ray Scott
61. Dirk Booy
62. Lee Ware
63. Oliver Dickson
64. Michael Paul
65. Richard Coria
66. Michael Jarvis
67. John Pettex