Marc Matt and John will record episode 48 of the podcast in just 24 hours time (Thursday night Sydney time), and will finally decide the best game released in the year 1990! There were 9 nominations, and that 9 will soon be ranked, named and shamed!
Before those 24 hours are up, you - yes, you the reader - can choose your favourite of the 9 too, and the reader votes will be called out on the podcast. Go vote either at the Facebook page (, the Twitter feed (, or even better, head over to the Discord chat and join everyone else debating them all! Head over to and join the fun!
The games are: Aliens (arcade), Speedball 2 (Amiga), Smash TV (arcade), Snow Bros (arcade), Castlevania 3 (NES), MERCS (arcade), Creatures (C64), Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (MegaDrive), and Dark Seal (arcade). An unusual mix if ever there was one!