Podcast Episode 31 - Barcades! Project Z Ball 2020, Bartronica, Netherworld, 1989, Australian Arcade Championships, and the BPAC Pinball Arcade Showcase

Podcast Episode 31! We get stuck into reader feedback and chat about Star Trek, podcasts, and… the Munsters movie? Then we discuss the state of barcades in Australia, and Z Ball Amusements’ quest to find a barcade venue in Sydney. Plus the announcement of the Australian Arcade Championships in Brisbane, along with Kong Off 3 and Brisbane Pinball Masters 2019!


Paul Jones - Your New Australian Number 1 Pinball Player

A big congratulations goes to Paul Jones, newly crowned Australian number 1 pinball player according to the international player rankings website: https://www.ifpapinball.com/rankings/country.php?country=7.

Australia's new number 1 pinball player according to the international pinball player rankings.

Australia's new number 1 pinball player according to the international pinball player rankings.

Paul has long been dominating the Australian pinball competitive scene, usually winning or nearly winning in the last few years worth of tournaments. However, to climb to number 1 in the country rankings takes a very long time of consistent and exceptional play - the few that have reached this pinnacle previously have been there for a very long time indeed. To match and overtake those historical records is incredibly difficult and time consuming, especially because those up the top are still competing too! To say that this is a momentous occasion is no exaggeration, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a new face take the top spot.

This achievement was finally reached by Paul after the latest major event: The 2017 Brisbane Masters. The competition held from Friday 21st July to Sunday 23rd included a number of side tournaments as well as the main event itself, where Paul took a 1st place in the 3-Strikes competition, 2nd in the Flip Frenzy, and 5th in the Masters.

Previous people to have reached the title of Australian number 1 included Peter Watt, Richard Rhodes, and Steve Edwards. We now welcome Paul Jones to this very exclusive list of people.